AquaLand Diving Sites
With AquaLand diving centre, you can dive to the cost line of Sithonia Peninsula and discover the deep blue waters of some of the best dive sites in Chalkidiki

Our Boat BCS 7m/YAMAHA
There are dive sites for beginners’ divers or very experience.

Aquatic World!
In the night dives we can see Gilt-head, Seabream, Common dentex, Seabream. Rarer is to see Angler, Rays Skates, John Dory and Flying Gurnard. We also see dolphins swimming near the boat but are very difficult to come close during the dive. There were meetings also with Seals and Turtles Kareta –Kareta.
Aqualand Diving Sites
Access from the Beach
Distance from the dive center almost 14Km from the road or 5.7 Nm by boat. Anchor at 5m, max depth 30m. 50m south of Armenists island. Suitable for everyone with access from the beach. Single boulders covered with sea life and a sea through hole on the last boulder. Groupers and small amber jacks depending on the season. Octopus, salemas and white sea breams are permanent residents
Distance from the dive center almost 14Km from the road or 5.7Nm by boat. Anchor at 5m. Max depth 35 m. Suitable for all levels and night dives, with access from the shore. One huge single boulder extending outside the water for 5m. Smooth gradient and a small wall starting at 15-28m on the north side
Distance from the dive center almost 14Km from the road or 5.85 Nm by boat. anchor at 8 m, max depth 38 m. Foe experienced divers due to the current that is permanently there. Access also from the shore, 50 m west of Armenistis Island. Slabs of rocks and cracks that house crayfish, big conger eels and moray eels
Distance from the dive center 22Km or 8.Νm. Start of the dive at 4m . Suitable for everyone. Access also from the shore. . A big variety of life that is always different. Big Lobsters after 30m depth in August and September we see amberjacks
Distance from the dive center 21Km or 8.2Νm. Start of the dive at 4m . Suitable for everyone. Access also from the shore. A wall with a not so vertical gradient that starts at 3m and ends at 35. A big variety of life that is always different.
Distance from the diving center almost 35km. Ideal place for everyone. The dive starts at 3m with a maximum depth of 29m. of the most beautiful dive sites with an abundance of fish large and small as various kinds seabreams, many dentex, small groupers, small snapper, amberjack, moray and conger.We use this dive sites only when the weather conditions do not allow us to dive our side of the peninsula
Distance from the diving center almost 35km. Ideal place for everyone. The dive starts at 3m with a maximum depth of 35m. of the most beautiful dive sites with tunnel-passage at 18m depth. Plenty of small and larger fishes like seabreams, Brown meager, small groupers, eels and octopuses. We use this dive sites only when the weather conditions do not allow us to dive our side of the peninsula
Aqualand Diving Sites
Boat Access - North of our Diving Center
Distance from the diving center 0,6Nm. Anchor at 3m! Maximum Depth 16m. Ideal for beginners or divers that want a refresh of skills. Many small fish, octopus, moray eels. Very beautiful configuration Bottom passages between rocks.
Distance from the dive center 0.8Nm. Anchor at 5m, max depth 38m.A dive site for all levels. Here lies a huge rock reef covered with nets from one side and the other side of the rock is covered by beautiful colors. The German writer/photographer for Taucher magazine, Volker Groudman, characterised it as the «Rock of miracles». Various small fish, moray eels, conger eels, big wrasses , lobsters and a big grouper are very often spotted. Permanent residents are small lobsters and small breams with dentex and bigger breams spotted less frequently
Distance from the dive center 0.8Nm. Anchor at 20m, max depth 38m. Only for advanced divers. Here the anchor is dropped by the previous rock reef, but we continue deeper where we find another smaller rock reef filled with sea breams and lobsters. More rarely we encounter crayfish. The place is filled with anchors that were dropped by fishermen, who were caught.
Distance from the dive centre 0.9Nm. Anchor at 3m, max depth 21m. A dive site suitable for everyone. Common encounters with small dentex and sea breams, especially on night dives. We have seen up to 7 groupers on one dive, but usually they are 2 or 3. In the deepest level of the dive we can see small lobsters, always octopus and moray eels. It is a passage for amber jacks, depending on the season.
Distance from the dive centre 0.95Nm. Anchor at 3 m. Max depth 21m. An easy dive spot, suitable for beginners or night dives. A small wall from one side and many rocks covered with many colors from the other, all inhabited by octopus, moray eels, small dentex and breams, especially on night dives. A resident grouper still escapes the spearfisherrmen, but because of this he disappears very quickly.
Distance from the dive center 1.1Nm. Anchor at 3 m. Max depth 30m. Suitable dive site for all. Single rock reefs with plenty of permanent residents, like small dentex and breams (night dives) along with endless of moray eels and octopus
Distance from the dive centre 1.2Nm. Anchor at 5m, max depth 18. Ideal for beginner divers and review dives. Many small fishes, octopuses, morenas
Distance from the dive centre 3.9Nm. Anchor at 25m, max depth 40m. For experienced divers. A reef of two boulders at the maximum depth. Lobsters, breams and guild head breams
Distance from the dive center 4.3Nm. Anchor at 2m, max depth 27m, A big rock reef at 15 m with many rocks and passages between. Schools of fish, many octopus and eels. A favorite place for divers who enjoy long dives, as the shallow depth permits dives that can exceed 60 minutes.
Distance from the dive center 4.3Nm. Anchor at 25m, max depth ??? m. This dive site is for very very experienced divers. Two huge rock boulders filled with lobsters in between the slabs of rocks. Many many slabs filled with many suprises.
Distance from the dive centre 4.75Nm. Anchor at 5m, max depth 28m. Suitable for everyone. This is a rock reef extending from the shore and a long passage in between the rocks. You can encounter anything, from groupers to amber jacks. Always at 8m we see meagres and banded sea breams. Octopus and moray eels are permanent residents.
Distance from the dive center 5Nm. Anchor at 5m, Μax depth 40m. Suitable for everyone. This is a rock reef extending from the shore and a long passage in between the rocks. You can encounter anything, from groupers to amber jacks. Always at 8m we see meagres and banded sea breams. Octopus and moray eels are permanent residents
Aqualand Diving Sites
Boat Access - South of our Center
Distance from the dive centre 1.5Nm. Anchor at 3m, max depth 16m. Suitable for everyone. Ideal for beginners with passages between rocks,many small fishes, octopus, moray eels
Distance from the diving center 1.8Nm. Anchor in 3-5m Maximum Depth 16m. Suitable for everyone. Ideal for beginners with passages between rocks, many small fishes, octopus, moray eels.
Distance from the diving center 3.5Nm. Anchor at 3-5m Maximum Depth 35m Very beautiful configuration of the bottom. Big reef (more than 15.000m2) with average depth 15m with many long stones and passages between them. Someone needs 2-3 dives to explore the entire reef. A lot of deferent sea life according the depth and the dive orientation
Distance from the diving center 5Nm. . Anchor at 3-5m Maximum Maximum Depth 35m-+ Suitable for everyone. It takes min 2 dives to explore the entire reef. Great variety of fish from the smallest to the bigger open sea fishes
Distance from the diving center 5.45Nm. Anchor at 3-5m Maximum Depth 35m Very beautiful configuration of the bottom. Big reef (more than 18.000m2) with average depth 15m with 2 very long stones and passage between them. Someone needs 2-3 dives to explore the entire reef. A lot of deferent sea life according the depth and the dive orientation